Monday, March 29, 2010

Operating System


Download Operating system by Silberschatz,Galvin

1.Scheduling Algorithms.
2.Process Synchronization- e.g. Questions on semaphores.
3.Deadlock-It's prevention ,avoidance and recovery.
4.Objective questions on Unix commands
5.Memory Management-Address binding,Memory allocation,Paging,Segmentation etc.
6.Virtual memory,Demand paging,Page replacement algorithms.

What is the difference between paging and segmentation?
  • Programmer is aware of segmentation.Paging is hidden.
  • Segmentation maintains multiple address spaces per process,paging maintains one address space per proccess.
  • Segmentation allows procedures and data to be separately protected.This is hard with paging.
  • Segmentation facilitates sharing of procedures between proccesses.
  • Pure segmentation suffers from memory fragmentation.


Q.1.Write timeline for RoundRobin Scheduling.

Q.2.Explain how a semaphore that can hold an arbitary value be implemented using only binary Semaphores and ordinary machine instructions? 

Q.3What are three ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state? 

Q.4What are the management functions of an operating system? 
Q.5.Explain the concept of recovery from deadlock.

Q.6What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock?

Q.7.What are the functions of a distributed operating system?


1.Producer consumer problem can be solved using-
    a)semaphores          b)event counters
    c)monitors                d)all of the above

2.Dijkstra's banking algorithm solves the problem of-
    a)deadlock avoidance        b)deadlock recovery
    c)mutual exclusion             d)context switching

3.At a particular time the value of a counting semaphore is 10.It will become 7 after-
   a)3 V operations            b)3 P operations
   c)5 V operations 
     and 2P operations       d)13 P operations and 10V operations.

4.A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources.If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then deadlock-
a)can never occur           b)may occur
c)has to occur                 d)none of the above. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Ruchika,

I am unable to download the book "Operating system by Silberschatz,Galvin " . Can you please send me on my mail id

If possible, then please upload it in ifile. Rapidshare is blocked in most of the places.

Thanks in advance

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