Operating Systems Lecture Notes
Martin C. Rinard
- Lecture 1: Overview and History
- Lecture 2: Processes and Threads
- Lecture 3: Thread Creation, Manipulation and Synchronization
- Lecture 4: Deadlock
- Lecture 5: Implementing Synchronization Operations
- Lecture 6: CPU Scheduling
- Lecture 7: OS Potpourri
- Lecture 8: Introduction to Memory Management
- Lecture 9: Introduction to Paging
- Lecture 10: Issues in Paging and Virtual Memory
- Lecture 11: MIPS TLB Structure
- Lecture 12: Introduction to File Systems
- Lecture 13: File System Implementation
- Lecture 14: Monitors
- Lecture 15: Segments
- Lecture 16: Disk Scheduling
- Lecture 17: Networking
- Lecture 18: UDP and TCP
Computer Networks
- ISO-OSI 7-Layer Network Architecture
- Network Architecture(Contd) and Physical Layer
- Physical Layer (Contd) - Data Encoding
- Multiplexing, Network Topology, Aloha and CSMA/CD
- CSMA/CA, Contention Free Protocols and Limited Contention Protocols
- IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet
- IEEE 802.5: Token Ring Network
- Token Ring Network(Contd...) and IEEE 802.4: Token Bus Network
- Data Link Layer(DLL)
- Network Layer
- Network Layer(cont) - Routing Algorithms Classification
- Routing Algorithms
- ARP,RARP,ICMP Protocols
- Transport Layer Protocol (TCP)
- TCP (continued)
- TCP - Implementation Issues
- Unix Socket Programming - Part 1
- Unix Socket Programming - Part 2
- Unix Socket Programming - Part 3
- Unix Socket Programming - Part 4 and Some Topics in TCP
- TCP Congestion Control, Random Losses, PAWS
- UDP and DNS
- DNS(Continued), BOOTP, DHCP
- Routing in Internet
- Routing(Continued)- Algortihms
- Remote Procedure Call
- Remote Procedure Call - Using rpcgen(Contd..)
- Distributed Applications
- Applications- FTP and EMAIL
- PEM and SNMP
- Firewalls
- Wireless Networks
- Network Security
- Network Security(Contd...)
- Network Security(Contd...)
- Kerberos and Public Key Authentication
- NFS and AFS
C Lecture Notes
2)Topicwise Notes
- Introduction
- Mathematics for Algorithmic
- Greedy Algorithms
- Divide & Conquer Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming Algorithms
- Amortized Analysis
- Hash Table
- Binary Search Tree
- Graph Algorithms
- String Matching
- Sorting
- Linear-Time Sorting
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Complexity
- Approximate Algorithms
- Linear Programming
- Appendix
- Codes
- References